14 Cute DIY Ideas For Nursery


Since our little princess is on the way I decided to do some research and find some cute DIY decor ideas for her nursery. Even though we can’t change the wall color, or use nails on the walls as we are only renting this apartment temporarily, we can use pretty little things to her room.

A lot of my new friends are either expecting or recently became mothers, so in this post I will not only share the ideas for girls but also for boys.

14 Cute DIY Ideas For Nursery

1. Check out these cute pompons! They will bring a sense of a party to her nursery and to your eye 🙂

Tissue Pom-Poms

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2. Awesome and easy to make rag especially good for cold tile floors

rag rug

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3. These wood blocks add some character to the room, don’t you think?

wood block

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4. This is simply adorable, and if you are not a big fan of owls you can come up with something different using this model as a sample

owl mobile

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5. Baby wouldn’t care less about this lamp right now, but it sure will bring an extra smile to parents and visitors


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6. Another rag which is even softer than the first

pompom rug

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7. This is a really cool idea, I saw it at a friend’s place but completely forgot about it up until now when I found it on the internet

foot print

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8. Great idea for a boy’s nursery but you can easily change it for the girl’s one with different colors

nursery wall art

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9. This is definitely among my favorite DIY ideas

nursery mobile

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10. What can be lighter than butterflies? The tutorial is for colorful butterflies, but to me the white ones look softer

butterfly mobile

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11. An awesome idea to use some space at a smaller place, or just to add extra style to it

crib skirt

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12. It can be either owls, or balloons or whatever else can come to your mind

hot air balloon mobile

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13. This is an easy and inexpensive way to make a baby gym for your little one the way you want it to be

wooden play gym tutorial

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14. It’s not really a tutorial, but a really nice way to capture the moment when we are young and the babies are little. Remember how it all started.


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