Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to take a moment and express my gratitude to God, to my family and friends, to all the people I have met in my life. Good relationships have made me happier, not so good ones made me stronger.

We usually go through the day not taking it in fully, not noticing all the good, positive things that happen to us. Waking up and being able to see, to move, to take a hot shower, to have something to eat for breakfast, to drive to work, to have a job, to be able to work, to breathe, to eat, to smell, to touch, to experience beautiful sunrises and sunsets, to hug and kiss people you love, to spend time with your favorite people, to talk, share secrets, plans for future, the list goes on and on…

Thank you, God, my family, my friends,  for my life, my wonderful experience, my interesting challenges, my exciting plans!

The more gratitude we experience daily, the more events, people, situations to be grateful for will come!

Cheers to our beautiful lives filled with joy and happiness, love and positivity!

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